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Peertec is a blockchain-focused technology company, developing proprietary technologies that are necessary to build the infrastructure.

Peertec believes that in order to achieve the mass-adoption of blockchain technology, a great user experience is necessary, which must start fundamentally from cryptography and core engineering, not a mere graphic interface.

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GDAC is a cryptocurrency trading platform equipped with high speed, liquidity, and friendly user interface for users to trade a wide range of cryptocurrencies. GDAC supports exchange of crypto-crypto and crypto-fiat.

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In-house blockchain lab creating derivatives service and patent-based technology. GROW is the first service of the lab, industry’s first blockchain-based derivative service for tokenized asset management in the world.

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Crypto-to-Fiat payment infrastructure and settlement service. PeerPay provides B2B payment infra enabling users to shop offline and online using crypto. PeerPay accelerates mass adoption of frictionless cryptocurrency payments worldwide.

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Hashtower is a validator that provides the safest and most stable validator service enhancing the value of the blockchain ecosystem for delegators. Hashtower’s blockchain-based custodian service ensures users of secured validation.

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